
My secret love by Megan Whitten: I will always love you till enternity

Two months passed, and it was time to come home for spring break. Just like she did from the start, Maya eagerly waited at the door, except this time

The days passed and eventually it was time for everyone to go back to college. It was much harder than Maya expected being away from L, but she kept counting down the days until she got to see her again.

Two months passed, and it was time to come home for spring break. Just like she did from the start, Maya eagerly waited at the door, except this time it was just L. L sprinted out of car, picked up Maya, and kissed her. This was risky, as the neighbors could have been watching, so Maya yelled at her to put her down.

Luckily Maya’s parents weren’t home, so they snuck inside. They ran down to the basement like usual and turned on a scary movie. Maya couldn’t focus because all she could do was look at L. Then, L laid on Maya’s lap. L could have stayed like that forever in the safety of Maya’s warmth. Maya slowly bent down and grabbed L’s face. Their lips slowly touched and then moved faster and faster in sync, as if they were only one lip to begin with. Hours passed, but then Maya jumped up because she remembered her parents were coming home soon. L ran out the door, and she and Maya secretly did this for the next week they had home together for spring break.

Maya began to wonder if that one phrase “all good things must come to an end” was really true because then they had to leave again to go back for college, hundreds of miles apart. It felt harder and harder to be apart from L, but it seemed that each time they were together became more and more special.

Maya then stayed in bed for what felt like a week, so sad, lonely, and depressed. She completely regretted telling her parents and was truly in shock that they were disappointed in her for finding someone that she loves and makes her happy.

L knew what had happened and just as Maya was standing outside trying to get some fresh air from everything, L pulled up into the driveway. Maya was happy her parents were in bed by this point, and she and L just sat in the driveway and stared at the stars. It was their favorite thing to admire the big dipper together. It was 11:59 PM. Just as L was about to go, she gave Maya the most gentle and intimate kiss, and for a split second, Maya was able to let go of the world and be taken back to New Year’s Eve night when everything was perfect as they shared their first kiss together. And this split second is what Maya has held onto ever since to give her hope. I should know. I am Maya.Click for part2

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