
Understanding the Obsession with Narcissists After Discard: A Journey from the Abyss

The aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist can be devastating, leaving a lingering impact on the discarded victim's emotional and psychological

 The aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist can be devastating, leaving a lingering impact on the discarded victim's emotional and psychological well-being. One peculiar phenomenon that occurs in many cases is the obsession that survivors develop after the discard phase. In this article, we will explore why individuals may become fixated on their narcissistic ex-partners, shedding light on the underlying factors that contribute to this pattern of obsession. By understanding the dynamics at play, we hope to provide guidance and support for those seeking solace in their post-narcissistic relationships.

The Emotional Turbulence.

The intense rollercoaster ride of emotions experienced during a relationship with a narcissist creates a powerful bond that is difficult for survivors to break free from, even after the discard. Narcissists are masters of manipulation and possess a unique ability to weave an elaborate web of charm, affection, and intimacy during the initial stages of a relationship. This idealized version of the narcissistic partner becomes deeply ingrained in the survivor's psyche, leading to an addiction-like attachment that is hard to shake off.

The Sparkling Illusion.

One of the primary reasons survivors become obsessed with their narcissistic exes after the discard is the stark contrast between the idealized perception they had during the relationship and the harsh reality of the discard phase. Narcissists excel at creating an illusion of perfection and showering their victims with love and attention. When the discard finally happens, it shatters the survivor's belief system, leaving them longing for the idealized version they once knew. The desire to understand what went wrong and to reclaim that seemingly perfect connection propels the obsession.

Trauma Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome.

The dynamics of trauma bonding and Stockholm Syndrome also play a significant role in survivors' obsessive thoughts and behaviors. In order to cope with the emotional abuse inflicted by the narcissistic partner, many victims develop a complex bond rooted in both fear and dependence. This bond, fueled by intermittent reinforcement and moments of affection from the narcissist, can make it exceedingly difficult for survivors to detach themselves emotionally. This deep connection may result in a traumatic bond that survivors desperately yearn to restore, driving the obsession even further.

READ Also: Coping with Narcissist Discard: Reclaim Your Power and Heal

The Healing Process.

Recognizing and understanding the reasons behind this obsession is an important step towards healing and reclaiming one's life. It is crucial for survivors to acknowledge the toxic nature of the relationship, the manipulative tactics employed by the narcissist, and the impact it has had on their self-worth and mental well-being. Seeking support from therapists, joining support groups, and engaging in self-care practices such as journaling, meditation, and creative outlets can help survivors regain a sense of control and move forward towards emotional healing.


The obsession that survivors experience after being discarded by a narcissistic partner is a complex aftermath of emotional abuse, trauma bonding, and the shattered illusions of a perfect relationship. The path towards recovery begins with understanding the underlying reasons behind this fixation, as well as seeking out supportive resources to embark on a healing journey. Remember, you are not alone in this struggle, and with time, self-compassion, and support, it is possible to break free from the chains of obsession and reclaim your life.

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